A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of spending several days with Sarah Powers, my all time favorite yoga teacher. During this workshop, she reminded us of the importance of being practitioners. What she meant by this is the importance of a home practice that includes intention-setting, pranayama (breath work), concentration/meditation, as well as asana (poses) because all are part of yoga and all are equally important.
While an asana practice itself is a good start, it is not enough to reap the full benefits that yoga has to offer. If you're interested in going deeper into your practice but don't have a routine below is a suggested one, based on the teachings of Sarah Powers'. I practice this routine, or a variation of it, as early in my day as possible to set the tone. On days when I have more time, I incorporate more yin postures and a longer period of meditation.
To learn a routine that is specific to your needs, contact me to schedule a private yoga assessment. I see clients in Durham and downtown Raleigh.